Sandra Dacha, popularly known as Silprosa in NTV’s show Aunty Boss has recently revealed through her Instagram page reasons why she is into married men.
According to her, married men are the only ones shooting shots at her. She noted that single men are afraid of her because they don’t meet her standards financially.
The plus size model has constantly asserted that she cannot date broke men, she is a queen and thus wants someone who will treat her like one.
Silprosa claims that she is always broke and thus wants someone with money since she cannot bring herself to supporting a man.
“I have never been in a position to support a man financially. I’m always the broke one in the relationship,” Claimed Sandra Dacha.
It is unfortunate that the people who are supposed to be celebrities are promoting immoral behaviors such as ‘gold-digging.’ However, everyone is entitled to their opinion and mine is just to report.
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